EcoInternet Earth Affinity Appeal

Permaculture forest gardens intermixed with regenerating old-growth forests key to stabilizing global carbon cycle
Dear Earth loving colleagues,
What a year 2016 has been for EcoInternet. Together we successfully popularized indigenous protest with the first Standing Rock international affinity alerts, unveiled new big data techniques to aggregate deep ecology news, and are preparing search engines and data pipelines for green analytics. And we continue to be a leading green voice vocally resisting fascism, with our powerful Earth Meanders deep ecology essay series.
For decades EcoInternet and predecessors have shown global ecological affinity with others having a hand in protecting huge rainforests and other wild natural places. Now we need your affinity, and we appeal to you for a donation to keep EcoInternet running: (upper right corner)
Sadly launching new deep ecology aggregator features meant shutting down and which were the last remnants of my 1990s era PhD inspired web sites. EcoInternet has moved to a template based host and all open source software with the other URLs forwarding to our main site at . We need cloud computing costs and some basic staffing covered to progress further.
Immediately we are working to get python based web forms working to our MongoDB database, and we seek donations to hire programmers. We need to get the Nutch web crawler installed, and a Lucene based indexer such as ElastiSearch. As data is moved from the crawler to be indexed we are investigating Spark and Kafka to carry out summary aggregations and data mine the data flows. We hope to get all this environmental search engine and data mining setup and running in the next 6 months based upon our current harvest of environmental news as seed URLs.
We will then index and analyze Earth’s full environmental Internet content. Do you have the Linux, Python, and/or NoSQL skills to help get this all setup and underway?
Please give us a hand or make a donation to help us hire a system admin and programmers short-term on the web site in the upper right corner.
This year’s fund-raiser fell a little bit by the wayside as in late September my father passed away. Dad was a great conservationist and mourning his has taken some time away from the efforts. And we were on such a roll with programming for the climate change and environmental newsfeed aggregator that we wanted to get a version 1.0 announced and out there which we have. Shockingly I am behind still on thank you notes for donations but will get caught up over next week.
Let’s see if we can raise a few thousand dollars for EcoInternet’s next round of pioneering use of networked databases for ecological conservation and green truth telling. Please, EcoInternet and Earth need your tax-deductible gift now at:
For Earth,
Dr. Glen Barry
P.S. EcoInternet has a long history of firsts in ecological Internet use. This ecological information aggregation project will apply big data and machine learning techniques to the full sum of Internet environmental information flows and content. Data mining ecological solutions is the mission. Join the team by donating what you can at:
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