Science and Technology News

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Entries for August, 2012

Shanghai tops ‘flood risk list’

Aquabarrel Launches Rain Barrel Designed to Meet PG County Rebate Requirements

greeNEWit Partners with Opportunity International to Support Aspiring Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries

DynTek Holds Annual Tech Fair in Albany NY on September 19th

Wild Florida Airboats Announces the Grand Opening of their Wildlife Park

Pellenc ST Optimises Thousands Of Tonnes Of Waste For RWM 2012

Australia: Al Gore praises Australia on climate change measures

Australia: Climate change action ‘lies’- Flannery

Nasa selects another Mars mission

Strength added to ‘solid smoke’

Guardian of Ocean Life, Armed With Pen and Brush

Close to Cape Cod Shore, Humpback Whales Are Far From Safe

Canada: Climate change adaptation: street surfaces that absorb water

Argentina files WTO complaint over Spanish biodiesel rules

Nasa’s Mars rover zaps first rock

Flies learn sexed-up mates’ smell

MIRA TELECOM Contributes To The Preservation And Restoration Of Patrimony Objects At International Level

Insight: DNA tests tell trees from the wood; curb illegal logging

Why the white cliffs of Dover are so special

Canada: Climate change: How Toronto is adapting to our scary new reality

New bird discovered in Colombia, imperiled by hydroelectric project

Climate models that predict more droughts win further scientific support

Why species stay or go in response to climate change

Thermo Fisher Scientific Continues Leadership in Water Analysis

Germ Killing Technology Debuts at Olympics; Now Available for Local Gymnasiums

Evosys Oracle EBS R12 Implementation at KKESH Goes Live Successfully at Saudi Arabia.

Mangaldeep Enterprises, Inc. announces the launch of new technology Solar charge controller

Cost-wary Forest Service tries to douse each fire

A 20-Year Low in U.S. Carbon Emissions

Mars rover prepares to zap rocks